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Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time - Apple iOS

September 29 2015 , Written by Jean

Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time - Apple iOS

Brain gourmets with tradition
With vegetable violence against zombie ancestors: In PopCap's Plants vs. Zombies 2, we travel to the past and protect our brain with gewaltbereitem weeds before zombifizierten pharaohs and piano players. Why such a motivated and what effects a diet beans on Zombie stomachs, clarify the strategy game we tested.
Walk like a zombie
For fans of the strategic brain defense arises at first glance little that is new: The undead brain lovers try as usual a checkerboard of 5x9 fields to cross. To avoid the unannounced visit and painful bites in the head region, we replant the fields with all kinds wehrhaftem weeds as early as possible takes a species-typical slow revenants his head from his shoulders.
What initially sounds simple, revealed during the game countless tactical possibilities: At the beginning we just about finding the right mix of sunflower, which bring us the energy needed for crop purchase and pea shooting seedlings worry. Gradually leads Plants vs. Zombies 2 but special zombies, which unlike their dopey relatives dominate also special attacks: So we meet Pharaohs zombies, which probably too much to Embalming magical abilities were in mummification by a little awarded and are now trying the screen to steal our solar energy. Rolling Barrels grind our plants and make way for the invading hordes, when we have placed no prickly counterattack. Virtuoso Piano Zombies roll with her ​​instrument under appropriate Western accompaniment through the level and break every zombie with regardless of its mindlessness, which leads to dancing movements and otherwise unobserved field changes.

Plants vs. Zombies 2
A typical bonus missions: we are confronted in Tetris manner sporadically with plants, with whom we have to win the game.
Vegan cured Mad Cow
Plants vs. Zombies 2: Crazy Dave and his speaking time machine provide entertainment between missions. http://hackswiki.com/plants-vs-zombies-2 Crazy Dave and his speaking time machine provide entertainment between missions.

Blessed is he who has chosen at the beginning of each level, partly known from the predecessor, matching counter units: Drilling plants can stock up adjacent lanes with green peas, helps against droves flowing zombie chickens only a chain lightning emitting reed that causes other zombies en masse only damage.
Partially also typical for each of the three worlds Special proves a curse: In ancient Egypt, in contrast to its predecessor only hieroglyphenlastigeren grave stones from the ground which prevent planting grow. In the Pirates Time is not only that zombies because of her speech impediment - there 's no Brain in "Arr!" - Make bad buccaneers, we breed our green pupils on deck of a ship just grappled.
Only a few planks form a viable path by which also greens can flourish, while the Zombies of seagulls worn or shot guns rather fewer problems with locomotion seem to have. In the Wild West railroad tracks denying us valuable Ruins for that we may a little plant in combat by Lore reposition - beneficial to shoot about Mad mechano-bull bulls with coconut cannon watermelon or spin down to the innermost gear wheel. Or in combination with the new game element of the fertilizer that we find here and there, to trigger a devastating special attack of a plant: Shoot as delicate pea skidding suddenly in staccato with vegetables.

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